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Geophysics and navigation free software and utilities

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FreeMatLabGeoNavFree MatLab Libraries for geophysics and navigation data processing.
FreeMatLabGNSSFree MatLab Libraries for GNSS data processing.
FreeWinGeophFree Geophysics Software for Win.
FreeWinNavFree Navigation Software for Win.
CommercialCommercial software (links, manuals, publications; MatLab toolboxes mainly).

Free MatLab Libraries for geophysics and navigation data processing
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M-files to read and write SEG-Y files from MatLab, implemented using the syntax of the SEG-Y format: SEG-Y revision 0 and revision 1.
crewes.org/...CREWES_20110623.7zCREWES MatLab software library for use in teaching exploration seismology. The CREWES MatLab library is a very large collection of geophysical routines that has grown by accretion with very little regulation.
seismic-lab.physics.ualberta.ca/...SeismicLab_20080306.7z"SeismicLab is a MATLAB seismic data processing package. The package can be used to process small seismic data sets and, it is mainly intended for research and teaching purposes. Scripts to read and write SU data (the SEGY flavor used by Seismic Un*x) are provided. A particular feature of this package is that the SEGY headers are loaded into a structure that can be easily assessed by MATLAB."@
"A set of about 170 functions (plus support functions called by them) for analysis and display of exploration-seismic data and well logs. These functions read and write seismic data in standard SEG-Y format, read and write well logs in LAS-format 2.0 (also read LAS-format 3.0), and perform many of the manipulations usually performed on these data types. They use standardized structures to represent seismic data and well data and thus allow simple concatenation of function calls.
The functions come with a manual in PDF format and scripts with examples. Several versions of Matlab were released during their development."@
G_Seis_20190618.zip"GUI 2D-Seismic data processing software. The main functionality allows to perform surface-consistent operations based on different 2, 3 and 4-factors mathematical models. Such operations are: surface-consistent amplitude correction, surface-consistent minimum phase deconvolution and build upper layer velocity model (by factor decomposition of first break time) to determine statics shifts. Also it is easy to read/write SEG-Y files, change trace headers and trace data, work with horizons, plot seismic data and factors data-files, plot upper layer velocity. The user interface allows to use application while processing 2D seismic data."@
www.eoas.ubc.ca/...m_map1.4.zipA mapping package for Matlab (Feb/2020): 1. Routines to project data in 20 different projections (and determine inverse mappings), using spherical and ellipsoidal earth-models; 2. A grid generation routine to make nice axes with limits either in lat/long terms or in planar X/Y terms; 3. A coastline database (with 1/4 degree resolution); 4. A global elevation database (1 degree resolution); 5. Hooks into freely available high-resolution coastline and bathymetry databases; 6. Other useful stuff.
software.seg.org/...foldy_20131126.zipA simple and exact acoustic wavefield modeling code for data processing, imaging, and interferometry applications.
"Using latitude and longitude in calculations may lead to several problems due to the singularities at the Poles and complex behavior near the Poles, and due to the discontinuity at the Date Line (+-180 degree meridian). Instead of latitude and longitude, we represent position with an "n-vector", which is the normal vector to the Earth model (the same reference ellipsoid that is used for latitude and longitude). When using n-vector, all Earth-positions are treated equally, and there is no need to worry about singularities or discontinuities. An additional benefit with using n-vector is that many position calculations can be solved with simple vector algebra (e.g. dot product and cross product)."@

Free MatLab Libraries for GNSS data processing
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goGPS_v0.4.3.zip"goGPS MATLAB is an advanced GNSS observation processing software. Features: L1 positioning (relative and undifferenced); Multi-constellation support (experimental) - GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS; Integer ambiguity resolution by LAMBDA method; EGNOS (SBAS) support through EMS service; Post-processing functioning (RINEX v2.11, v2.12, v3.01 or goGPS data); Real-time functioning (1 Hz); RTCM 3.x support; u-blox LEA-xT support; NVS NV08C-CSM support; SkyTraq S1315F-RAW support; Fastrax IT03 support; MATLAB figure and/or Google Earth plot; Requires MATLAB 7.11+ (Instrument Control Toolbox required for real-time functioning); Works on Windows and UNIX machines."@
www.zess.uni-siegen.de/att_toolboxAttDet_20090316.zip"A MATLAB toolbox for attitude determination with GPS multi-antenna systems -- by Zhen Dai, Stefan Knedlik, & Otmar Loffeld.
The technical paper which describes this code is published in GPS Solutions, Volume 13, Number 3, July 2009, pages 241-248, "A MATLAB toolbox for attitude determination with GPS multi-antenna systems" by Zhen Dai, Stefan Knedlik, & Otmar Loffeld Center for Sensorsystems (ZESS), University of Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany.
Abstract: In this paper a MATLAB toolbox for determining the attitude of a rigid platform by means of multiple non-dedicated antennas using global positioning system is presented. The programs embedded in this toolbox cover the RINEX data analysis, single point positioning, differential positioning, coordinate conversion, attitude determination, and other auxiliary functions. After forming the baselines through double-differenced (carrier phase smoothed) code observables, the attitude parameters are obtained by applying the direct attitude computation and the least squares attitude estimation. The theoretical background is summarized, and some hints regarding the software implementation are given in the paper. Moreover, improvements yielding an expanded functionality are proposed."@
www.mathworks...toolboxGNT08.1.2.zip"This program includes of:
- Principle of Radio Navigation Calculation: navigation base on trilateration has been investigated and the over determined Eq. for navigation has been solved.
- GPS Ephemeris Data: for GPS navigation, the position of GPS satellite is very important so the by receiving ephemeris data the position of the satellite is determined.
- GPS Errors: Three different sources of errors in GPS navigation has been investigated (Ionosphere, Troposphere and Satellite clock). Ionospheric Error model is generated base on Parkinson and the Tropospheric Error Model based on Hopfiel model.
- Simulation & GPS Toolbox: One of the targets of this work is generating Matlab GPS Toolbox and in one case study the performance of generated toolbox will be verified."@
github.com/sauravag/GPSMATLABGPSMATLAB_20150912.zip"MATLAB Toolbox for simulating Single/Dual Frequency GPS and Carrier Phase Differential GPS.
Contact: sauravag.com"@

Free Geophysics Software for Win
Source LinkFileComments
GEOindex.html(software.seg.org)Geophysic source-code archive. These are codes that accompany articles published in the 'Geophysical Software and Algorithms' section in the journal GEOPHYSICS. Downloads are available as either UNIX gzipped tar files or Windows "zip" files.
reflectionexploration.comHotShot_433-5x_free.exeHotShot is a full-featured seismic processing software for Windows.
radexpro.comSegYDetective.exeProgram for SegY analysis and repairing.
SegY files Viewer.
SegD files Viewer.
-------SegdToSegy.exeSegdToSegy converter.
seismigraphix.comseismigraphix_setup_v140.jarSegY, SegD, SU files Viewer and simple editor.
Need to install Oracle Java RE.
SEGYJp2 Version 1.0. This tool is used to convert SEGY files to and from the SGYJP2 format. March 30, 2009. // Source Link is bad. Soft is unstable for current Win-environment.
geomarinesurvey...geosuite_segyeditor_3.1.54788.0_setup.exeA simple yet powerful utility to view and edit SEG-Y rev. 0/1 files. It supports all major SEG-Y variants and features an advanced command line interface for batch processing.
edgetech.comJSF_Convert.zipDiscoverer software, lets to convert Jsf-to-Xtf (SSS) and Jsf-to-Sgy (SBP).
tritonimaginginc.com/...Triton_Converters_7.7.70.exeTriton Converter Utility. New Triton Converter application currently capabple of converterting the following formats into XTF formatted files: KLEIN .SDF, EDGETECH .JSF, RESON .S7K, KONGSBERG .ALL.
tritonimaginginc.com/...Triton_ImagenexToXTF_1.0.0.0.exeTriton .83P to .XTF Format Converter. Triton Imaging has developed a format converter for the Imagenex .83p raw sonar file format.
tritonimaginginc.com/...Triton_MSTConvert_7.6.228.0.exeTriton .MST to .XTF Format Converter. Triton Imaging has developed a format converter for the Marine Sonic .mst raw sonar file format.
tritonimaginginc.com/...Triton_XTFtoSEGY_7.5.307.0.exeTriton .XTF to .SEGY Format Converter. Triton Imaging has developed a format converter for extracting raw subbottom/chirp data from the XTF format and saving in the SEGY file format.
Cesium sensor active zones calculation. Used IGRF-12 model; incorrectly work after 2020.01 (please, correct your computer's clock).
www.ngdc.noaa.gov/...geomag70_windows.zipTotal field calculation for IGRF-13 model.
Magmap is a post acquisition processing software used to analyze and process data from a number of different instruments.
Magnetic map & pre-processing.
geometrics.comGeometrics_magtoolkit-1.0.zipMagnetic inversion C++ framework.

Free Navigation Software for Win
Source LinkFileComments
The RINEX Utility converts NCT (NavCom Technology) binary raw data (0xB0, 0xB1, 0x44, 0x81, MEAS1B, PVT1B, ALM1B, and EPHEM1B messages) to RINEX v2.10 or v2.11 Standard. Converting NCT raw data to RINEX provides a means of post-processing the raw data when third-party software packages do not support the NCT Binary format, but do possess the ability to import RINEX Standard measurement data.
The utility converts Trimble GNSS measurement files in DAT, T00, T01, T02, T04, RT17, RT27 or .cap format to RINEX version 2.10, 2.11, 3.02, and 3.03 formats. Version 3.09.11 fixes issues with MET data time tags.
pentaxsurveying.eu.com/...PentaxConvertToRinex.7zThe utility converts PentaxG6 GNSS measurement files in DAT format to RINEX version 2.10, 3.02 or Leica3.02 or Stonex3.02 formats. Russian Language, 28.11.2016.
Open Skipper 19.12.2016. Open Skipper is Open Source code for integrating and displaying NMEA 0183, NMEA 2000 and AIS data from nautical instruments, GPS units and internet data sources. See project official page on openskipper.org

Source LinkFileComments
www.7-zip.org/...7z2301-x64.exe7-Zip 23.01 (2023-06-20) for Windows. It is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
COM Port Data Emulator is a tool for emulating a com port or an Ethernet device, that generates a serial stream of data. The program can create a data flow, wrap it to data packets (RS232, TCP/IP or UDP) and send to a port.
asdlemul274b303_upd.zip is the free update (since the version 2.7.0 to the latest version 2.7.4 build 303. March 3, 2020.)
www.kave.fi/...Kave_NMEA-Simulator.zipNMEA Simulator 02.08.2020. NMEA Simulator can be used to simulate real devices on NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 bus. With simulator you can e.g. test you navigation software without real devices. Ask commercial version. With commercial version you get USB-NMEA2000/NMEA0183 simulator adapter and support. With commercial adapter you also get extended features like message parsing, memory limited message history on message console, more engines, tanks, etc.
www.kave.fi/...Kave_Com0Com_2220.zipNull-modem emulator. The virtual serial port driver for Windows. For using NMEA Simulator you will need this to connect simulator to e.g. your navigation sw or OpenSkipper.
With com0com and hub4com one can listen one com port with several applications. This is the only free "com port splitter" I know and it seem to work fine. I have tested it with Open Skipper by using 115200 baud splitting (NMEA2000) and old NMEA0183 splitting. It can also combine several ports to one and send com port over network to other machine. By using our RunAnyService.exe (free for personal use), one can make splitting as service, so that it is automatically started when computer starts.
www.kave.fi/...Kave_Service1.zipRunAnyService 08.10.2015. Here is my sample for using RunAnyService to create service for connecting COM30 and two com0com pairs all together. To use sample modify params on RunAnyService.ini to match your physical and com0com ports and install service by running RunAnyService /install. You can change parameters by stopping and starting service.
www.zharkovlab.comZharkov_ComOut2v2_Setup_32b.zipThe ComOut2 v.2.0 is dedicated to emulate a COM port data generated by a software and/or hardware facilities. The ComOut2 program can be used for the purpose of testing software and/or hardware facilities, data communication channels, software debugging.
www.zharkovlab.comZharkov_CSC41_Setup_32b.zipThe CSC v.4.1 program is dedicated to translate the data from the form being spread over COM port communication into the form to be transmitted over Ethernet communication and vice-versa at the receiving end. The goal is to use Ethernet transport for COM port data transfer.
----Commtest.zipProgram for com-port listening, DTR/RTS and other lines status changes, binary and text messages sends.

Commercial MatLab Libraries for Navigation data processing
Source LinkFileComments
"GPSoft has applied the power of MATLAB to GNSS. The SatNav Toolbox is a collection of M-files which allows for total GNSS system emulation.
The GPSoft Inertial Navigation System Toolbox provides the necessary functions to emulate a wide variety of inertial sensors from RLGs and FOGs down to MEMS sensors via user-defined sensors errors such as biases, scale factor error and noise.
Version 2.0 of GPSoft's Navigation System Integration and Kalman Filter Toolbox for MATLAB expands upon the previous version by providing enhanced covariance and observability analysis. Integration examples with sensor correction feedback are also provided."@
"GPS Toolbox -- GPS Software Toolbox for MATLAB is a library of m-file modules and programs used for design, simulation and analysis of GPS applications.
M-KF Toolbox, Kalman Filtering Software Toolbox for MATLAB is a library of m-file modules and programs used for design, simulation and analysis of discrete Kalman filtering applications. Both discrete conventional and U-D form Kalman filtering formulations is included.
RAS Toolbox, GPS RINEX and SP3 Software Toolbox for Matlab is a library of m-file modules and programs performing basic data processing frequently encountered in GPS RINEX and SP3 related engineering calculations.
CT Toolbox, Coordinate Transformations Software Toolbox for Matlab is a library of m-file modules and programs performing basic coordinate transformations as well as UTM and UPS coordinate transformations."@
"GNSS Signal Architect Simulator Software. The GNSS Signal Architect Simulator Software tool creates simulations of GPS or GLONASS based on static or dynamic scenarios. Users can specify a complete set of simulation parameters, including receiver/satellite profiles and delay/noise error modeling. Playing back the simulation as an RF signal provides accurate and repeatable signals for GNSS receiver testing.
GNSS Signal Architect Toolbox. The GNSS Signal Architect Toolbox includes customized MATLAB-based tools for GPS and GLONASS data analysis and signal processing. Tools includes: Signal Simulation; Geographical; Satellite Geometry; Receiver Design and Analysis."@